Dental Snoring Devices

Your Guide to Quieter Nights

For those seeking a non-invasive and comfortable solution to snoring, dental snoring devices offer a promising option.

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Snoring can be more than just a nuisance; it can disrupt your sleep and impact your partner’s, your family’s, or your travel friend’s rest as well. For those seeking a non-invasive and comfortable solution to snoring, dental snoring devices offer a promising option. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore dental snoring devices, how they work, their benefits, and whether they might be the right choice for you. 

Watch Dr. Teo explain “what is MAS”

  1. What Are Dental Snoring Devices?

Dental snoring devices, also known as oral appliances or snoring mouthpieces, are specially designed devices that aim to reduce or eliminate snoring by managing the root causes. These devices are typically worn in the mouth during sleep and work by repositioning the jaw, tongue, or soft palate to keep the airway open, thereby reducing the vibrations that cause snoring from airway collapse.

  1. Dental Snoring Devices Design

The design of a dental snoring device is called a mandibular advancement splint:

Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS):

  • Description: MAS work by advancing the lower jaw (mandible) to prevent airway obstruction and stabilize it (splint) in this position.
  • Benefits: An effective treatment option for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. Custom-fitted MAS devices offer a comfortable and secure fit.
  1. How Dental Snoring Devices Work
  • Jaw Repositioning: MAS devices gently reposition the lower jaw forward. This opens up the airway preventing its collapse during sleep, allowing for smoother airflow and reducing the vibrations that cause snoring.
  1. Choosing the Right Dental Snoring Device
  • Consultation: It’s essential to consult with a dentist or sleep specialist to determine the root cause of your snoring and whether a MAS device is suitable for you.
  • Custom-Fit vs. Over-the-Counter: Custom-fitted devices, typically provided by dentists, offer a precision fit and greater comfort with the use of 3D scanning technology. Over-the-counter options are available but as they are a “One-Size Fits all” it may not be as effective for everyone and can cause severe jaw pain, teeth movement or other side effects.
  • Comfort and Adjustability: It is important to ensure the device is comfortable to wear and can be adjusted to meet your specific needs.
  • Maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance of the device are crucial for its longevity and hygiene and custom-made devices offer superior materials for this. 
  1. Benefits of Dental Snoring Devices
  • Effective: MAS devices are usually highly effective, especially for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea caused by anatomical issues like a set-back, retruded jaw and preventing airway collapse. 
  • Minimally Invasive: Unlike surgical interventions or CPAP therapy, dental snoring devices are minimally invasive and well tolerated by the vast majority of people.
  • Improved Sleep: By reducing or eliminating snoring, these devices can lead to better sleep quality and more restful nights for both you and the people around you. If obstructive sleep apnoea is also part of the problem then MAS devices can effectively manage this as well.

Dental snoring devices (mandibular advancement splints) offer a comfortable and minimally invasive solution to snoring, providing relief for both snorers and their partners. If you struggle with snoring and are seeking a practical and effective way to address it, consulting with a dentist or sleep specialist to explore the suitability of a dental snoring device may be a promising step towards achieving quieter and more restful nights of sleep.

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